This is a page for resource links for Leadership - bookmark this page! If you have any other ideas for content links you'd like added here, or if you have trouble accessing your links, ask Phil - [email protected].
Important! We have a legal obligation to report every penny we spend on party business to Utah Disclosures. Do not spend your own money on party business without reporting it as an in-kind donation.
Use the Expense Reporting Form to either:
- report an in-kind gift (money you've spent that you don't want reimbursed), or
- report an expense that you'd like to be reimbursed for. We cannot guarantee that expenses will be approved for reimbursement unless you ask the Chair (Adam) for approval - we recommend you do this before spending anything.
Utah Forward Party Event Submission Form - use this to submit details of all upcoming events so that we can publish them on the site and promote them on socials. Please be diligent and pay attention to detail! If you have any questions, talk to Phil or Daryl.
Event Submission is open to state committees, county parties, Forward and affiliate candidates, and nonprofit partners that have been approved by the Executive Committee.
If you use Gmail or Outlook, you can add a shared Utah Forward Party calendar. Any member of the Central Committee can view the calendar, and any member of the Executive or Events Committee can add things to the calendar. Additionally, any events submitted through the form above will be added.
Click here to add the calendar
Click here to view the calendar in a browser
If you need help with adding or managing the Shared Calendar, ask Phil.
Every County Party has access to its own google group alias, Shared Google Drive, and shared running notes document with which ALL party business should be saved and managed. Additionally, at least one person from your county party should have Nationbuilder (NB) access and receive training on how to create lists and send email blasts.
Each county party should set a meeting cadence with which to plan and execute action items, and a member of the Executive Committee to report to.
Davis County
Members: Josh (Chair), Jared (Vice Chair) Daryl (Treasurer/Secretary)
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD County - Davis
Running Notes Document: ***COUNTY PARTY LOG - DAVIS***
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Sponsor: Laura
NB Point: Daryl
Salt Lake County
Members: Erick (Chair), Alastair (Vice Chair), Colin (Treasurer), Alex (Secretary)
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD County - Salt Lake
Running Notes Document: ***COUNTY PARTY LOG - SALT LAKE***
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Sponsor: Phil
NB Point: Alastair
Utah County
Members: Christine (Chair), Art (Vice Chair), David (Treasurer/Secretary)
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD County - Utah
Running Notes Document: ***COUNTY PARTY LOG - UTAH***
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Sponsor: Adam
NB Point: David
Every Subject Committee has access to its own google group alias, Shared Google Drive, and shared running notes document with which ALL party business should be saved and managed. Subject Committees also have their own private Discord channels - talk to Adam ([email protected]) if you have trouble finding or accessing Discord.
Each county party should set a meeting cadence with which to plan and execute action items, internally select a Committee Chair that leads the meetings, and at least one member of the Executive Committee as a participating member.
Candidates Committee
Members: Christine, David, Erick, Shiv, Miles, Adam
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD Committee - Candidates
Discord Channel: ut-candidates-switchers
Running Notes Document: ***COMMITTEE LOG - CANDIDATES***
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Members: Adam
Comms/PR Committee
Members: Phil, Christine, Daryl, David, Bryce, Adam, Alex, Sarah F. (NEW!)
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD Committee - Comms/PR
Discord Channel: ut-comms-pr
Running Notes Document: ***COMMITTEE LOG - COMMS/PR***
Meeting Cadence: every other Monday
ExecComm Members: Adam, Phil
Constitution & Bylaws (C&B) Committee
Members: Phil, Art, Lynn, Adam
Google Group Alias: tbd
Drive link: FWD Committee - C&B
Discord Channel: tbd
Running Notes Document: tbd
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Members: Adam, Lynn
Data Committee
Members: Phil, Jared, Dan, Josh, Adam
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD Committee - Data
Discord Channel: ut-data
Running Notes Document: ***COMMITTEE LOG - DATA***
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Members: Adam, Phil
Events/Convention Committee
Members: Daryl, Laura, Art, Colin, Erick (Temp), Phil (Temp)
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD Committee - Events
Discord Channel: ut-events
Running Notes Document: ***COMMITTEE LOG - EVENTS***
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Members: Laura
Fundraising Committee
Members: Phil, Daryl, Erick, Colin
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD Committee - Fundraising
Discord Channel: ut-fundraising
Running Notes Document: ***COMMITTEE LOG - FUNDRAISING***
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Members: Phil
Priorities Committee
Members: Brent, Phil, Daryl, Art, Erick, Lynn, Adam
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD Committee - Priorities
Discord Channel: ut-priorities
Running Notes Document: ***COMMITTEE LOG - PRIORITIES***
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Members: Adam, Phil
Volunteer Outreach Committee
Members: Phil, Jared, Laura, Art
Google Group Alias: [email protected]
Drive link: FWD Committee - Volunteers
Discord Channel: ut-volunteer-outreach
Running Notes Document: ***COMMITTEE LOG - VOLUNTEERS***
Meeting Cadence: tbd
ExecComm Members: Laura, Phil
The National Forward party has compiled a resource called the Knowledge Base (KBase) where advice and guidance on a wide variety of party business has been compiled. Many of these resources are intended for Executive-level state leadership, and keep in mind that the state party strategy varies widely (Utah is one of the very few with early ballot access), so not all articles will directly apply.
However, this can be a great place to start when looking for guidance on a variety of subjects, from detailed how-to articles about admin tools like Nationbuilder and Discord, to broad advice for Candidate Recruitment and Comms messaging. State Leadership receives their own username/password for the KBase, but we are posting Phil's login information here for anyone else who wants to peruse it.
Forward Party Knowledge -
Username: [email protected]
Password: FwdInUtah2024
(last updated 7/13/2024)
We encourage everyone to create their own signage and other printed materials, social media posts, etc. on an as-needed basis, but as Forward is a national movement, it's very important that materials share the same branding and aesthetics that have been adopted nationally. Please make sure all your materials adhere to the style guide. Links for state logos, icons, and slide templates are included.
DISCORD is by far the best way to stay active in this group. You can Direct Message (DM) anybody else, and you can use special characters to bring special attention to your messages for anyone in a group.
How to send push notifications to channels (for must-read correspondences)
Use @[Discord name] to send a push notification to a particular person
Use @Utah to send a push notification to everybody in our Utah channel
Use #[channel name] to send a push notification to everybody subscribed to a channel
How to set up Discord
1. Follow this link:
2. Set up an account (if you don't have one already)
3. Follow instructions found here (message Adam or Phil if you need access to the Admin drive) for setting up Discord notifications in a way that won't be annoying.
4. Tag Adam (@wades10) in the #ut-discussion thread and mention your name. He'll add you any private committee threads you need to be on.
5. Once you're set up on your desktop, add this app to your phone too! The notifications are most useful like this - otherwise you may miss out on important conversation.
6. How to set up notifications see here
If you want one-click access to this page (or any other) from your mobile device, we recommend creating an app icon using the following instructions:
How to add this page as an app to an iPhone
How to add this page as an app to an Android via Google Chrome
(last updated 7/13/2024)
First Name | Last Name | Phone | Discord | County | |
Brent | Allsop | [email protected] | 801.330.2665 | brent.allsop | SLC |
Nate | Bezzant | [email protected] | 801.592.6605 | natebezzant | Utah |
Phil | Boileau | [email protected] | 313.231.7968 | philb5995 | SLC |
Jared | Croft | [email protected] | 720.352.0713 | Lyonsguy | Davis |
Sarah | Frame | [email protected] | 517.410.1410 | smframe09 | Davis |
Jaxon | Goble | [email protected] | 385.567.6000 | jaxongoble | SLC |
Christine | Heath | [email protected] | 801.885.3372 | lady_shadow4242 | Utah |
Daryl | Henry | [email protected] | 801.888.0697 | daryl_henry | Davis |
David | Hinckley | [email protected] | 214.395.6521 | therhino2942 | Utah |
Laura | Johnson | [email protected] | 801.791.3922 | lauraj11 | Weber |
Art | Morin | [email protected] | 801.360.4161 | a.l.m.01_55838 | Utah |
Erick | Panike | [email protected] | 435.232.6512 | loadedtissue3 | SLC |
Shiv | Parihar | [email protected] | 801.949.0629 | peacockshah | SLC |
Bryce | Peterson | [email protected] | 801.380.9182 | citiumsfinest | SLC |
Miles | Pomeory | [email protected] | 801.810.4344 | miles#1413 | SLC |
Alastair | Scheuermann | [email protected] | 801.602.7067 | btfl_idiot | SLC |
Colin | Smith | [email protected] | 248.835.9041 | colinsmith42189 | SLC |
Joshua | Smith | [email protected] | 801.941.8027 | jbsmith7741 | Davis |
Lynn | Taylor | [email protected] | 801.602.3914 | lynntaylor0 | Utah |
Adam | Teuscher | [email protected] | 510.326.8396 | wades10 | Utah |
Alex | Walton | [email protected] | 801.866.9946 | alexwalton3 | SLC |
Jared |
Parco |
952.215.4115 |
jparco7 |
Utah | |
Dan |
Bjornn |
480.309.1084 |
dkbjornn |
Utah |